Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sweet Horrible Days

After silent for a month...here i’am to post thing that im not so selesa and sweet things happen

  1. Financial End 08 / 09:All this start april09 i have 4 temporary partners name kak sha, wawa, mirah, nurul, jihah...all of them really make our days getting presure to clear backlog..everybody get busy for capture the data, calculate and anylize all the problem case and esclate to kak najwa...huhuh...when i look and i see there is a solution that i can help them..then.after a couple discussion with actuary i come out with template for contribution checking for both product M4 and MyMortgage, and Alhamdulillah The Templates can make others work more faster and accurate, while others concentrate on production, im work on web calculator and excel….huh..fell like Batu besar menghempap aku, all the rectify must be test…huh…so so tak best la time ni…anyway all the task given done as instruct by kak anum and overall best sgt dlm bz2 sume all the temp staff so sporting la…boleh buat aku gelak besar tu means korang mmg best la..thanks on behalf of TBU…

  2. Discipline: This Thing so suckssss…hate this part..yer la..aku ni dah la umah ngan tempat kerja jauh..then kene pertikai plak psal late coming…huuhu…pe pun aku tak bantah pun pe yg boss aku bagi tau tu…some kind of challenge for me la for FY 09 / 10 ni…then phm2 jer la…this thing affect my PMD..ape nak buat..benda dah lepas….ehhehehe..so kene tanam azam baru la kan…

  3. Love: huh..This part…always up and down…I don’t know should I or not to wrote here..lets give sipi sipi sudah la kan..hahhah…so far ok la….i love her..and I loved by her…sometimes tu ader la benda2 kecik,…pepun sayangawk.

Klu nak ikut kan banyak lagi benda yg berlaku..tapi dalam 6 bulan kebelakang ni this thing give big impact to me la….so long and good nite to the world that just awesome

-Life Is Great-

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Friend (Lie Teh O) wedding

At pangkal meleret this is nyambut natu at lie house on june 13 2009,

All The best to both of eu lie and nita,

person with me is nudin and mat din cino.

My Brother (Zamri) wedding

Record drive for 2 days without enought rest from 11 june to 12 june,

hope bahagia sehingga ke syurga...

june 12 2009 at 11.00 am kerteh, terengganu

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love Is....

Cinta kadangkala datang sekelip mata

kerap kali hadirnya mengambil masa

ketika hati merasa cinta

tidak ada yang sudi menerima

ketika hati tertutup pada cinta

cinta itu hadir sehingga menyeksa

cinta bukan sahaja membuat orang gembira

tapi boleh membuat orang mati kerananya

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dizzy feezy Day

pening ngan calculator yg tak jalan
ntah kenapa ri ni tak seceria hari2 yg lepasader sesapa yg bleh bagi tau?
mesti bersebab kan?...

ntah la....aku pun tak leh nak describe la....
ape pun xde sape yg tau cam ne aku syg kat dia,aku nak dia sentiase hepy n bahagia ngan aku..

i mean it....lagi pun..krisis di perak pun aku pk gak mengalah kan ahli politik..huhuh....teruk tul aku ni kan

Sunday, February 15, 2009


1)Pas di dakwa menjadi boneka DAP, Betul ker?
2)Adakah ir Nizar penderhaka?
3)Apakah betul tanah2 Melayu tergadai?..berapa %?
4)Benarkah Krisis di Perak pernah berlaku kepada bapak Tajol Rosli?
5)Kalau Nizar menderhaka kepada Sultan, ape kes pulak kepada yg menderhaka kepada Pencipta alam ini?
6)Siapa yg menghapuskan tulisah jawi?
7)Sehingga sekarang Bangsa melayu tidak mempunyai tulisan sendiri!!! sedarkah kita?

Please respon...lots things play in my mind

Friday, January 23, 2009

Near Rayo Cino

hari yang bakal menjelma sudah dekat..taksabar rasanya....
xtau la kenapa hatirase sangat2 membuak2 xcited..
huhuhxleh nak ckp la..bab tak tercakap...
pun begitu hari ni panas sangat la..still dokupdate kes yg aku tesalah upload dob tu..hhhuu..
sakit pale...aku mcm syak wasangka la ngan system premia nibukan pe..mcm bnyk sgt poblem..tapi xleh nak ckp gak kan mane la taunanti jd system ok..
.tapi aku still pk system ni tak best...
.bnyk benda aku xleh nak query data..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

horrible day

today...is so horrible...y...cos there is some one stupid n egois...i hate cought in this situation..tapi x tahu la nak ckp cam ne...wlu apepun yg belaku kiter tetap kene profesional kan....mmg susah la...nak apply benda tu..tapi aku kene cuba jugak la...as for myself like to straight comm...hmmmm ape lagi nak post tak tahu la.....