Saturday, December 18, 2010


Just after work, me n jah went to KL Low Yatt to find something...and i bought MP3 player..hua ha ha its look like this...and what make me excited is New Strike Freedom PG already in the market...hehhe this remind me to work hard to buy it..hehhe i'll buy....

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Dear Love...this is for Eu...

10 Dec 2010
Start my day with early morning, got to clock in to the office before others, bcoz today what i'm be informed there is payment from BPP, the CR expected receive yesterday, but just because the officer who issue the voucher on course so there will be delay in payment...OMG..this is what i'm afraid happen is just happened, this day i must ensure new batch receive by operations teams.

hari ni aku demam (hu hu hu) so hand over the task to Kak Ju, then g klinik dpt la MC...Yessss...tak sabarnya nak g LCCT...start my FZ aku tu...Vrommmmmm...i'm heading to LCCT...ngan hati yg girang..heheh......zassssss...

sampai kat LCCT aku terus g kat screen arrival, tengok flight AK5281 belum landing lagi...untuk tidak boring...aku p beli paper & air mineral..duduk sambil menunggu dengan penuh perasaan yg berbunga2....baru jer duduk jap ader mat salleh dtg tnya "How to go to KL"..huhuh..cheh...rupanya mamat ni dari rusia...ckp english pun tungang terbalik...anyway aku guide dia g kat tempat bas...

aku kembali ke arrival board.."Wah....Syg aku dah landing...yeay...heheh....aku pun saje jer nyorok sket...nak wak surprise..hehehe..bab aku reply msg dia ckp aku kat putrajaya lagi....aku pun tunggu dengan penuh kesabaran...hehehe...lama jugak rupanya,,huhu...then aku telihat kelibat si comey memakai baju hijau...yup it is Apple Green guest what? Syg look slim sket la, huuhhu...aku tengok dia duduk..thrn aku menghampiri dia...Assalamualaikum,,aku menyapa..huhuh...Owh..indahnya dunia ini...hehe..then sembang la kejap...tnya cam ne pejalanan tadi..then kami pun beredar.....

dek kerana kelaparan, kami terus ke Putrajaya Sentral. sempat mkn curry puff 3 biji buat alas perut, then take the ERL to the KL Sentral, bestnya nek benda ni ngan gewe hik hik hik...
sampai jer tempat petama we spend the time is Sogo...yer la beria betul Syg aku ni nak p sane, dah nama Gurl kan...tetap shopping huhuh...tiba je kat sana perut sgt lapo....trus g mkn kat secret recepi..who know, nak d jadikan cerita...aku tenampak pasangan couple tu Fadil & Mok Nik...aku pun ape lagi..trus join mkn kat table diorang..huhuhu..lame betul tak jumpa dengan diorg..klu tak silap la since 2006...last jumpa masa kat machang..huh..tgok Mok tu jer kurus kering but si Fadil ni agak bulat la sket, then lepas solat jumaat kitorang bepecah, aku ngan Syg jalan2 melayan karenah Syg ku yg manje tu...huhu abis tempat pusing finally beli jugak la beg duit..huhu Branded la jugak...bnyk gak duit Sygku ni huhu....smpai ptg besama Syg ku d KL...

Lebih kurang kul 1730 sampai ke Putrajaya Sentral, solat asar dulu kat sini, then heading to Alamanda, what i was told is, Cik Rita menunggu kita org kat sane, owh forgot to mention yesterday i already bought 3 ticket Narnia...nak dijadikan cerita masa dah kat Alamanda tu tercari2 la si Cik Rita ni..hampeh tul dia park kat North and we in South area..huhu how come we meet...nak tak nak kene g kat kete dia jugak, yer la nak transfer beg2 Sygku ke kereta we decide to go to Cik Rita car's...beg berat ni cam ne?...hik hik hik..Sygku ni bijak..dia guna Trolly tuk punggah beg2 tu..nice job syg....

Once jumpa Cik Rita, suka la Sygku ni yer la jumpa kwn baik kan...aku hanya memerhatikan diorg dok sembag rancak just kdg2 aku interrupt, yg paling best dia blanje makan..heheh...Sygku mkn Sizzling Yee Mee..sedap la jugak, aku yg tukang mknya that we go to Hall 1 to enjoy movie...

Abis jer movie tu masing2 penat dah..Cik Rita kerja seharian, kami plak dok datim seharian hua..ha..ha...mmg puas hati la citer pun best...then kami bepisah balik ke rumah masing2 aku blek ker GreenChamber and Sygku ikut Cik Rita blek ke umah, aku plak trus blek umah..mandi jap then letak kepala trus tetido...

What a beautiful day....Thanks Syg.....

to be continue...